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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The 3 Income Types - Truth About Job Income

Now these days there are many different ways to generate income.
First, if you want to have a balanced life you need to get out of the house and gain some new experiences. Studies have shown vacationing or traveling to be a very important factor in the balance and fulfillment of ones life. To be healthy one must get away from their job at times. The real defining question is;
"What type of income do you have to be able to vacation and travel?"
I have gained experiences in most areas of income from hourly jobs to project payment to travel jobs to physical product and online product businesses and to passive income. What I have discovered is the life style, fulfillment and freedom greatly changes through each one of these sources of income.
Below I am going to share with you what we call the "Slam Diagram" and we'll also cover the critical issue called "The Rock Bottom Effect" and how to avoid it in your job. This explains the 3 different income types and what kind of life style they will have. As I go through see if you can spot where you fit into this diagram and what type of life style you are heading towards. Whether you are in a job or not I am sure it will be an eye opener for you.
First there are 3 different income types of travelers: The Money Saver, Travel Worker and Systems Traveler.
1st - The Money Saver
The Money Saver spends their year in one location working and working at their job (jobs) to pay for their living expenses and saving up for vacations. This person must keep that job in order to take care of them self and keep the lifestyle the have chosen.
Also as a growing issue, if life style becomes higher then job income then debt becomes a factor that will increases the need to keep working. The key for this person to travel is to live under their means and put that extra money into a vacation bucket. Once they go on vacation they will have to return to their job (jobs) and do the cycle all over again.
2nd - The Travel Worker
This work type will get job after job as they're moving around to different locations. The difference is they're now mobile and gaining new experiences. It's still "Location Based Job Income" meaning they are making money at the location they are at or because of the location they are at. They make money and then move on till they run out and then they do the job cycle all over again.
3rd- Systems Traveler
The Systems Traveler's goal is to create value and then provide the value to the people that want it. They then automate the whole process and make passive income from it. This person can travel or spend time however they like while still making money.
The difference in this income type is they DO NOT have to work or have a job to take care of themselves and their cover their expenses. More importantly is the opposite side, and this is now they have freedom to follow their dream and spend their time they way they want to. Growth is exponential because once they are out they have their time again to build another system or keep adding to the same one.
Kind of getting an idea of where you fit? Now lets talk about the life style pro's and con's:
The Money Saver: Live the Unstable Life Cycle.
Saves, Saves, Saves and then goes on limited time vacation and then returns broke or at least on a financial low ready to do the jobs cycle all over again. Their level of comfort is usually high because they're familiar with their life style and the instant income gratification that comes from it.
Sad part is these people have a poor perception of stability because at any moment they could loss their job, get injured or have some catastrophic event take away that income stream which will leave them left with out a way to take care of them selves. Their strong feeling of their jobs instant income gratification blinds this poor perception of stability.
The Travel Worker: Lives the Roller-Coaster life style.
This can be very mobile and exciting to see what situations and jobs they might run into. It's called the roller coaster because it's full of financial and freedom ups and downs. They live the same unstable life cycle that the Money Saver has and lives in that stressful state of needing a job to provide. The other sad part is even though their passion is to travel they have to spend usually more then half of their time working at jobs trying to earn money and not traveling and gain experiences.
The Systems Traveler: Live the FREEDOM live style.
They have created an income stream that they can remove them selves from. You can already imagine this person doesn't have to have a job and is now free to live their dream whether that be traveling, spending time with family, and putting time into charity projects or what ever they want to do.
This is also the only real way to gain stability because once they automate their income stream they have their time again to build another system or keep adding to the same one. Most people avoid this because of their lack of knowledge and the delayed gratification. Those who do venture in and figure it out discover freedom and never go back. If they do they go back they do it to enjoy the job and not rely on the job for income.
The big difference between the 3 income types:
The most import point to understand here is, the Money Saver and the Travel Worker will sell their TIME for money while the Systems Traveler will sell their VALUE they created for money. This is the pinnacle point in one's freedom. You can find out which category you fit in by just asking yourself if you sell your time or value for money. This will define the life styles and cycles you will live in the future based on that answer and the job or value you've created.
Now for the question that most people try to avoid until it's to late. It's called: The Rock Bottom Affect
Truly ask yourself this question right now and be honest:
"If you were to stop working or had to stop your job for a period of time, do you have a system created to keep providing for you?"
I am not talking about most investments because most of the time that is just a glorified savings account. I am talking about good value that you've created for the world that keeps generating income whether or not you have a job or not.
I had the Rock Bottom Affect happen to me a few year ago. What happened was I took a 30ft fall ice climbing and almost died. The recovery took months and I had to rely on other people to provide for me financially. I avoided that question and other people became burdened because of that. Luckily, I didn't have family to take care of. During those months I realized I was never going to go back to a job and just rely on that for income. I was sick of that unstable life cycle. That was when I decided to move into the Systems Traveler.
I'll be honest; there was a tremendous amount of wasted time and money discovering how to do it. The great part was, the more secrets I discovered and the more steps I put in the right order the easier it became. What I realized was the more I progressed in towards a Systems Traveler the more shocked I became about my old jobs lifestyle. It was crazy that I only relied on that as my only source of income.
Some time down the road I found myself over in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef reflecting back on that ice climbing experience. That ice climbing fall might have been one of greatest blessing in my life. While sitting there on the boat I realized I had done it. I had become a Systems Traveler!

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